Tuesday, April 21, 2009

e g g c i t e d

So i didn't buy my f21 stuff except the wallet (yay) because I didn't transfer the money in time. Instead, today I went to Tampines 1 with Cheri Jo Naj Su Yas Ash Hy and some things actually caught my attention ;) I wanted the floral clip from Diva and Chomel but mom wouldn't allow..so instead I got one at some shop, the silky ones above :) Happy! And I went to some other shop i don't even know the name of it, I bought my stud ring (for a damn cheap price i swear) and some floral ring shown above. Bought some topshop top(bud got one top herself and it is awesome too!!) to go with my ctn on tie dyed leggings as well! I am so happy with my buys. Hehehe i'm broke I spend $xxx within three days...it might not be alot to you, but damn, its tooooooooo much for me.

I'm so tired, excited for tmrw!!!

Oh and did I tell you that me and J's fine now :)
Hopefully things won't repeat. Hopefully.

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