Sunday, May 31, 2009

cos i gotta know what made me unbeautiful

Hit the town with Ash, we went shopping! I bought not many stuff but i'm slightly contented. I want more next week, next time its with Jo. Walked around Fareast then had Starbucks just to rest, after that walked to Sommerset then left for home. So many funny shit happened, a china man taking pics of himself in the train, PDA action hahaha lol ok. Had heart to heart talks on the way home. Well, at least we can connect. Love you ash! TMRW WILL SUCK THERE IS "ART CAMP" ahhaah fuck ok I THOUGHT I COULD GO TO SENTOSA WITH MY BBS :( ugh.. nvm!!!!! i've got like 3 wks to go out as much as I want. well kinda haha need to study N's are nearing...

Her buys!

19.90 only for the fringe bag and the hw shorts.......unfair

Our fship band hah since stupid S made us both take it out ;<

My buys!

Calvin Klein Double Sleeve Top, Cotton On Skirt, Vintage Bag, Cotton On Slippers, Diva Accessories

Max&More dress, Online Blazer, Diva Accessories, Cotton On Slippers, Online Bag

today's outfit anyhow haha


  1. hey hey may i know where did your friend get he hw shorts at and at which store? thanks!!!

  2. $19.90 for both the fringe bag and the shorts? wow what a steal, from what shop mind sharing?

  3. Anon 1 : Hi! Its at some basement shop at fareast, called Code Red if I'm not wrong!

    Anon 2: No no no no ahahahha 19.90 each babe!

  4. omg thanks alot jolyn!!! :)

  5. Haha which anon are you? Welcome anw :>
