Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fish & Co

Today just seems to be one of the happiest day of my life, my whole family was able to have a meal together. I miss my dad...although he's always here, still in the house, I just miss him. We hardly talk. We used to be so close. I can't imagine the day when he'll be somewhere so far away, and I can't even imaging living without him. Life still has to go on, right?

Okay, thats not my motive of updating this shitty issue, anyhow, went to Fish & Co for dinner @ PP the food was goooooooood only the platter hahah. After that off to ShengSiong @ Bedok for the party grocery shopping.

my dad. thought any of you reader might want to see how he looks like. i hardly talk about him. unless i'm really upset, shit happens don't they. he's 46, still looking good, to me atleast.

the most useless 19 year old i've ever seen.

and ofcourse my mother :>

OH FAT LANCE HAHAHA my fav boy la.

to do:
thread brows / pluck
shop for groceries tmrw with cheri jo su
get a pretty dress if $$ comes your way
receive cropped zipper top from pearllene
receive indiesin diamond earrings


  1. is the fish and co at pp gd?

  2. I would rate the seafood platter 9/10!!!! and the fish... about 6. cos its too floury if you get what i mean.
